Prototype manufacturing of our PCB micro-controller has been completed by hand and tested. The link below shows the next step for us. See a demonstration below of a pick and place machine in action.

Microscope Assembly

 Then board sensors inclued a vibrator for discreet notification.

Count your calories . . . . link to Nutri strategy

Checks skin hydration levels . . . .

Checks skin temperature. . . . typically runs 3-6 degrees under internal temperature.

Calibrated on an individual basis for your needs.

Alert notification. . . .

Long range bluetooth 2.4 GHz.

PCB Beacon

This is a photo of two internal circuit boards that control our new Fitness Button products™. They are controlled by an app on your phone, and are designed to keep track of a variety of issues related to your general fitness.

The micro-controller is the state-of-the art nRF51822 from Nordic equipped with Multi-protocol 2.4GHz radio. • 32-bit ARM Cortex M0 processor. • 256/128kB flash + 16kB RAM.

Here is the link to the data sheet.

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